A myth exists that pregnant women cannot do Pilates, but the truth is while the specific exercises may need to change or be modified to serve the pregnant body, the foundations of Pilates safely and effectively support the the pregnancy process, as well as prepare the body for delivery. Pilates helps to cultivate the awareness necessary to create space for a growing baby and belly and it allows the body to stay strong and fit throughout the pregnancy process in a safe, gentle, and effective manner. Working with the foundational principles of Pilates helps one to understand and navigate the many transitions of the body during this time and mindfully prepares the body for delivery. Since Max was born in March 2015, I’ve been dedicated to teaching women about the value of the Pilates method on the journey to motherhood.
Postnatally, Pilates is without a doubt one of the best methods to help a woman recover her connection to her core strength by cultivating greater awareness of how to engage the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles and teaching new mothers how to recognize and avoid diastasis. It provides relief from neck, wrist or shoulder discomfort due to caring for baby and teaches good alignment and body mechanics for caring for the growing baby. Pilates works safely and efficiently to help the body recover from the pregnancy and delivery journey. It is a remarkable tool for pre- and post- natal bodies and I honestly do not believe there is anything better an expectant or new mother could do for her body.